Monday, December 21

Shoplifters of the world unite and take over

So warbled Morrissey in his days with The Smiths. Now a vicar's singing from the same hymm sheet, saying hard-up parishioners should ignore the Eighth Commandment.

Shoplifting's preferable to turning to drugs, prostituion or mugging old ladies, according toYorkshire priest Tim Jones.

“My advice, as a Christian priest, is to shoplift,” he told his congregation, according to a report in today's Times.

“I do not offer such advice because I think that stealing is a good thing, or because I think it is harmless, for it is neither.

“I would ask that they do not steal from small family businesses, but from large national businesses, knowing that the costs are ultimately passed on to the rest of us in the form of higher prices."

Fr Jones said even God might turn a blind eye. "My advice does not contradict the Bible’s Eighth Commandment because God’s love for the poor and despised outweighs the property rights of the rich," he went on.

Police said the advice was "irresponsible".

It says something about how far we've gone in turning our backs on the needy when a vicar tells his flock thou shalt steal if thou need to.

1 comment:

  1. He said that so he does not have to critisise the Labour Government as it is surely them and what they have done that is the root cause of most of our problems. It was a shocking thing that he preached and he should at least be sacked for what he said, as it is not a Christian.
